St Aidan's C of E Academy




Northern Lights Learning Trust Governance 

Current Serving Governors


Type of Governor 

Appointed (4-year term) 

Mr. M. Baker 

Co-opted Governor - Chair 

7th December 2022 

Mrs. A. Blackburn 

Co-opted Governor - Vice Chair 

7th December 2022 

Mr. M. Crossland 

Co-opted Governor 

7th December 2022 

Mrs. J. Keane 

Elected Staff (Teacher) 

1st December 2021 

Mr. S. Limbrick 

Co-opted Governor 

12th January 2020 

Mrs. R. Lowbridge 

Co-opted Governor 

7th December 2022 

Mr. D. Lythgoe 


2nd September 2022 

Mr. A. Marshall 

Co-opted Governor -Vice Chair 

7th December 2022 

Miss M. Robinson 

Elected Staff (Support) 

7th December 2022 

Mrs. L. Wiper 

Co-opted Governor 

6th December 2023 

Mr. M. Ramsey 

Co-opted Governor 

6th December 2023 


Elected Parent 



Elected Parent 





Mrs. H. Lucas 


Ended July 2024 

Mrs. S. Clough 

Elected Parent 

Ended July 2024 


Governors Membership of Committees

Curriculum and Standards

Alan Marshall (Chair)

Ruth Lowbridge

Meirion Baker

Anita Blackburn

Jo Keane

Dean Lythgoe

Finance, Audit & Risk

Sean Limbrick (Chair)

Alan Marshall

Anita Blackburn

Ruth Lowbridge

Meirion Baker

Dean Lythgoe

Health & Safety

Alan Marshall

Sean Limbrick


Note: All Governors are welcome to attend all Committees. 


Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

1.1 As a charity and company limited by guarantee, St Aidan’s Church of England Academy (the “Trust”) is governed by a Board of Trustees (the “Trustees”) who have overall responsibility and ultimate decision making authority for all the work of the Trust, including the establishing and running of the committees within the Trust.
1.2 In order to assist with the discharge their responsibilities, the Trustees have established a Finance, Audit & Risk Committee.
1.3 These terms of reference apply to the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee established by the Trustees and may only be amended by the Trustees.
1.4 The Trustees may review these terms of reference at any time but shall review them at least annually.
2.1 The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee shall have a minimum number of three members to ensure there are enough members to hold a majority when voting.
2.2 The membership of the committee (each “Committee Member”) shall be as follows (unless the Board resolve otherwise):
2.2.1 Three (3) or more Trustees;
Employees of the Trust are not permitted to be members of the committee; however, the Principal should attend committee meetings to provide information and participate in discussions;
2.2.3 Only full members of the committee who have been approved by the Board of Trustees have the right to vote on any matters. The committee may decide to appoint non-voting members, as approved by the Board of Trustees, who are able to advise the committee.
2.3 The committee will be appointed annually by the board of Trustees and shall hold office from either the date of their appointment until their resignation, or their omission from membership of the committee on subsequent consideration by the Board of Trustees – whichever occurs first.


The term of office for a co-opted committee member shall be as specified in the appointment of such co-opted member up to a maximum term of four years. The quorum of the committee will be three.
2.6.1 The Trust Board shall appoint a Finance, Audit & Risk Committee member to act as Chair.


The Trust Board shall appoint a Finance, Audit & Risk Committee member to act as Vice Chair.
The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee members will elect a temporary replacement from among the members present at the meeting in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair to act as Chair.
2.6.4 No person may act as Chair if they are an employee of the Trust or the Chair to the Board of Trustees.
The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee has responsibility for:
3.1 Exercising the powers and duties of the Board in respect of finance and audit within the Trust, except for those items specifically reserved for the Board of Trustees and those delegated to the Principal.
3.2 Reporting on decisions taken under delegated powers to the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.
3.3 Advising and supporting the Board of Trustees on all matters relating to Finance, Audit and Risk across the Trust.
3.4 Establishing and reviewing Trust wide finance and audit policies.
3.5 Recommend appointment of External Auditors to the Trustees and Members.
3.6 Appointment of the Internal Auditors.
3.7 Establishing of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Trust’s financial, audit and reporting requirements.
3.8 Bank Accounts - authorising the establishment of bank accounts and approve bank mandates in the name of the Trust.
3.9 Funding Model - agreeing a funding model across the Trust and develop an individual funding model for the Academies so as to secure the Trust’s financial health in the short term and the long term.
3.10 Expenditure and ensuring delivery of Annual Budgets.
3.11 Financial reporting and KPIs.
3.12 Investments - agreeing the investment policy in line with the Academy Trust Handbook.
3.13 Setting Trust wide procurement policies for supplies including auditors, HR and payroll providers and solicitors in accordance with the Funding Agreement, Academy Trust Handbook and the Trust’s procurement policy.
3.14 Determining and allocating central services provided centrally by the Trust.
3.15 Asset and Premises Maintenance Strategy - determining use of Academies’ premises and ensuring premises are adequately maintained.
3.16 Arranging insurance for the Trust.
3.17 Exercising the powers and duties of the Board in respect of administration of Human Resources within the Trust, except for those items specifically reserved for the Board of Governors and those delegated to the Principal.




























































































Ensuring compliance with Health and Safety regulations. 


AUDIT To direct the Trust’s programme of internal scrutiny and ensure this is informed by risk.To oversee individuals that undertake internal scrutiny.


 To deliver internal scrutiny in a way most appropriate to the trust’s circumstances, which could include employing an in-house internal auditor or buying-in internal audit services.


To advise the board of Governors on the internal scrutiny programme of work.


To ensure those carrying out the programme of internal scrutiny are suitability qualified and experienced.


To report findings from internal scrutiny activities to the Board of Governors.


To assess year on year progress using the short annual summary report that outlines areas that have been reviewed, key findings, recommendations and conclusions.


To keep the approach to internal scrutiny under review.


To ensure the internal scrutiny approach the Trust uses is confirmed in the governance statement, which accompanies the annual accounts.


To ensure the programme of internal scrutiny informs the accounting officer’s statement of regularity in the annual accounts.


To ensure the Trust submits its annual summary report of the areas reviewed, key findings, recommendations and conclusions to the ESFA by 31 December each year when the audited annual accounts are submitted.


To ensure the ESFA is provided with any requested internal scrutiny reports.


To advise the Board of Governors on the need for and, where appropriate, the appointment, re-appointment, dismissal and remuneration of, and internal auditor or other assurance provider.


To ensure the audited accounts are submitted to the ESFA by 31 December each year and meet other statutory requirements.


To advise on the adequacy of the management response to issues identified by audit activity.


To monitor the progress made against audit recommendations.


To ensure the appropriate cooperation and coordination of the work of the external auditor and accounting officer.


To advise the Board of Governors on the appointment, re-appointment, dismissal and remuneration of the external and regulatory auditor.


To receive reports (including the annual accounts and management letters) and consider any issues raised, the associated management response and action plans, and report necessary actions to the Board of Governors.


To review the external auditor’s annual planning document and approve the planned audit approach.


To consider any additional services delivered by the external auditor or other assurance providers and ensure appropriate independence is maintained.


To consider the quality of external auditors and those carrying out internal scrutiny.


To make reports to the Board of Governors on the adequacy of the Trust’s financial controls.


To ensure information submitted to the DfE and ESFA that affects funding, including pupil number returns and funding claims (for both revenue and capital grants) completed by the trust, is accurate and in compliance with funding criteria.


To advise the Board of Governors on accounting policies, the trust’s accounts, and the trust’s annual report, including the process for review of the accounts prior to submission for audit, and levels of error identified.


To review and advise on the development of anti-fraud policies, whistleblowing processes and arrangements for special investigations.


To review an overview of financial statements submitted by the Trust.



To report to the Board of Governors on the adequacy of the trust’s risk management processes.


To advise on the strategic processes for risk, control and governance and the governance statement.


To advise on assurances relating to the management of risk and governance requirements for the trust.


















The committee will meet as often as is necessary to fulfil its responsibilities, but at least three times per year. The Chair of the committee or any three committee members may, by giving notice in writing to the clerk, call unscheduled meetings as long as appropriate notice of at least seven days is given to other members of the committee. A shorter notice may be given where the Chair of the committee decides a particular matter requires addressing immediately.
4.3 The quorum for the transaction of the business of the committee shall be three Governors provided that at least three of them are not employed by the Trust.
4.4 Every matter to be decided at a meeting of the committee must be determined by a majority of the votes of the committee Members present and voting on the matter. Each of the voting members present shall be entitled to one vote. Where there is an equal division of votes the Chair shall have a casting vote.
4.5 The committee may invite attendance at meetings from persons who are not committee members to assist or advise on a particular matter or range of issues. Such persons may speak with the permission of the Chair but shall not be entitled to vote.
4.6 Other members of the Trust are entitled to attend and, with the permission of the Chair, speak at meetings.
4.7 A register of attendance shall be kept for each Finance, Audit & Risk Committee meeting and published annually.
4.8 All Finance, Audit & Risk Committee members shall observe at all times the provisions of the Trust’s code of governance and code of conduct.
4.9 References to the “Chair” shall in the absence of the Chair be deemed to be references to the Chair of the relevant meeting.
5.1 Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Members are required to declare any business or other interests in any item being discussed at a meeting.
5.2 Each Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Member, if present at a meeting of the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee, should disclose their interest, withdraw from the meeting and not vote on a matter if:
5.2.1 there may be a conflict between their interests and the interests of either the Academies or the Trust;
5.2.2 there is reasonable doubt about their ability to act impartially in relation to a matter where a fair hearing is required; or
5.2.3 they have a personal interest (this is where they and/or a close relative will be directly affected by the decision of the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee in relation to that matter) in a matter.
6.1 A person shall be ineligible for appointment to the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee and, if already appointed, shall immediately cease to be a Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Member if the relevant individual:
6.1.1 is or becomes disqualified from holding office under the Articles;
6.1.2 is or becomes disqualified from holding office as a Trustee/ Governor of a Trust/Academy;
6.1.3 is included in the list of teachers or workers considered by the Secretary of State as unsuitable to work with children or young people;
6.1.4 is barred from any regulated activity relating to children;
6.1.5 is or becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his/her creditors generally; or their estate has been sequestrated and the sequestration has not been discharged, annulled or reduced;
6.1.6 is convicted of any criminal offence (other than minor offences under the Road Traffic Acts or the Road Safety Acts for which a fine or non-custodial penalty is imposed or any conviction which is a spent conviction for the purposes of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974);
6.1.7 has been fined for causing a nuisance or disturbance on school/academy premises during the 5 years prior to or since appointment or election as a Staffing Committee Member;
6.1.8 refuses to an application being made to the Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) for a criminal records check;
6.1.9 commits a serious breach of the code of conduct or any standing order or protocol implemented by the Governors;
6.1.10 is absent without the permission of the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Members from all their meetings held within a period of six months and the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Members resolve that his office be vacated;
6.1.11 resigns his/her office by notice in writing to the Chair;
6.1.12 in the case of the Principal, they cease to be the Principal;
6.1.13 their term of office expires, and they are not re-appointed.
6.2 The Governors shall have the right at their sole discretion to remove or suspend (on such terms as they see fit) any Finance, Audit & Risk Committee member by written notice to the Chair.







The clerk will take minutes of the meeting. This will be approved, by the Chair of the committee, as accurate representations of the meeting before they are handed to committee members for final approval at the next committee meeting. Following approval, the clerk will distribute the minutes to the Board of Governors. Confidential minutes will only be shared with Governors who were present at the meeting where the confidential item was discussed.
7.3 The minutes can be agreed by Finance, Audit & Risk Committee members by email.

Curriculum & Standards Committee

 The Curriculum and Standards Committee remit is to assist in the decision making of the Board of Governors  by giving detailed consideration to all matters of sustainable improvement across all aspects of student welfare and achievement.

Terms of Reference

1.To consider and advise the Board on standards and other matters relating to the Academy’s Curriculum, including statutory requirements and the Academy’s Curriculum Policy and related procedures and policies as appropriate.

2.To consider and recommend the Academy Development Plan/Raising Achievement Plan and to monitor and evaluate the impact on Academy improvement year on year.

3.To consider all curricular issues which have implications for Finance, Audit and Risk decisions and making recommendations to the Finance Audit and Risk Committee of the Board.

4.To engage in School Improvement discussions, receive reports as appropriate and recommend to the Board.

5.To receive Ofsted and Section 48 reports monitoring and action plans; report and recommend to the Board as appropriate responses for action.

6.To receive SIAMs reports monitoring and action plans; report and recommend to the Board as appropriate responses for action.

7.To oversee arrangements for individual Governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision. Eg SEN, Literacy and Numeracy. To receive regular reports from them and to advise the Board.

8.An overview of arrangements of Educational visits, including the appointment of a named coordinator.

9.To agree and recommend draft pupil performance and attendance targets for approval by the full Board of Governors.

10.To receive and consider reports from the School Improvement Adviser

11.To receive and approve the Academy’s SEF (Self Evaluation Form)

Composition: a minimum of 5 members, of whom at least 3 shall be Governors.

Membership of the Committee 9 February 2023

Allan Marshall (Chair), Meirion Baker, Anita Blackburn, Ruth Lowbridge, Sarah Clough, Hana Lucas

Non-voting members:

Dean Lythgoe, Jo Keane

Quorum:3, of whom 2 shall be Trustees 

Health & Safety Sub Committee

 Health and Safety Sub-Committee



To provide an opportunity for the Academy Staff to participate in the sharing of their experiences and be involved in development of health and safety policies and procedures along with the day to day matters that need to be addressed. The Health and Safety Committee assists the Board of Governors and Principal in the discharge of their health and safety responsibilities.

The Academy Health and Safety Committee will meet once each term and is an open discussion environment and maximum participation is sought and encouraged. The goals are to:

Provide a forum in which staff will participate.

Identify areas of concern and provide solutions.

Communicate health and safety information.

Liaise with the Academy Council (for student views)

To report directly to the Finance and Staffing Committee on a termly basis.

Membership of the Sub-Committee:

Chairperson (Vice Principal)

Two management representatives

Two staff representatives

Membership of the Committee at 30 April 2021:

Trustee: Mr. L. Limbrick, Mr. A. Marshall

Co-opted: None

Management Representatives:

Mr. N. Smith (Chair) – Vice Principal

Mrs. N. Greaves - Academy Business Manager

Staff Representatives:

Mrs. J. Keane - SENDCO

Quorum: Chair, 1 Trustee and 2 members

Current Register of Business Interests

Register of Business Interests 23-24

Attendance at Meetings

Local Governing Body Register of Attendance 23-24.pdf

Attendance at Meetings Archive

St Aidan's Secondary Attendance 2023-24.pdf

St Aidan's attendance autumn term 2021.pdf

Trustee Attendance 22-23

Governor Profiles

Merion Baker

Merion is Chair of the Board. And Link Trustee for SEND. He is an experienced teacher, specialising in post-16 education, who has worked for nearly thirty years in a variety of roles, currently as Assistant Principal of Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College in Darlington. During that time Meirion has led successful curriculum and guidance teams and has had whole-college responsibility for a range of functions including student wellbeing, behaviour, personal development, school liaison and recruitment, and equality, diversity and inclusion. A Trustee since 2018, Meirion is passionate about education and social mobility and has enjoyed putting his professional experience to use in a different educational context, including as former Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee and monitoring the progress of SEND students. Originally from North Wales, Meirion now lives in North Yorkshire and counts among his interest’s music, literature and politics.

Ruth Lowbridge MBE

Ruth is Executive Chair of the SFEDI Group of Companies, all of which promote and support enterprise and entrepreneurial skills development throughout the UK and Internationally. As a business owner herself for over 30 years, with successful ventures including a chain of bistros, conference centre, software company and national training consultancy, Ruth knows more than most how it feels to start and run a business enterprise. Part of the government’s SME Advisory Board and a Board Member of the Small Business Charter, Ruth is passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Ruth became involved with St Aidan’s through the Academy Ambassadors’ Scheme and has brought strong strategic vision and leadership to the Academy. Ruth has particular interest in careers, guidance and employer enragement. being the Link Trustee for this area of the Academy’s work. The progress, wellbeing and achievements of students are paramount to Ruth.

Anita Blackburn

Currently Co - Vice Chair of the Board and Link Safeguarding Trustee, Anita is a qualified teacher with considerable experience of teaching 11–18 year olds. She has taught a range of Humanities subjects to GCSE and A Level and latterly specialised in the teaching of A Level History and A Level Law. For the last 20 years of her career, she was a member of the Senior Leadership Team at a large, successful sixth form college being Vice Principal and the Designated Safeguarding Lead when she retired. Anita has a wide range of skills and knowledge that she brings to the Board including curriculum planning and development, admissions, pastoral care, personal development and guidance, Safeguarding and Prevent, staff recruitment and training, appraisal and standards, PR and publicity. In addition, she has in depth knowledge and understanding of the local community and has worked with many of the schools and other educational providers in Darlington and the surrounding area.

Anita has been involved with St Aidan's throughout the journey from inadequate to good. She is passionate about the Academy and in ensuring that students have a high quality, rounded educational experience that prepares them for the next stage of their lives and equips them to be responsible 21st century citizens.

Marc Crossland

Marc is the Members’ Representative on the Board of St Aidan’s. Following an HND in Business & Finance, Marc founded a restaurant group that operated successfully for 12 years. Following the sale of the business Marc started a commercial property investment and development business which was sold a few years ago to an established property family in the Northwest. Marc now runs a private family office with a portfolio of quoted share investments. Marc’s parents, David and Anne Crossland, are Co-sponsors of three Mark 1 Academies two of which now sit in successful Multi Academy Trusts. Having served as a Trustee at all these Schools, Marc has great experience within the educational setting. Marc’s skill set lies mainly in finance and share analysis, but also serving as a non-executive on the Boards of Family Investments

Alan Marshall

Alan is Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Link Trustee for Pupil Premium. He started his working life as a Technical Apprentice within the Iron and Steel Industry leading to positions in engineering design/development. He then progressed to Senior Operational and HR Management roles within the engineering construction industries, working in the UK, Europe, Middle and Far East. His last position was as a Senior HR Manager in Local Government. Since retiring, Alan has become a Councillor representing the residents of Mowden Ward in Darlington and, for 3 years from 2019 was a Cabinet Member holding the Portfolio for Economy and Regeneration.

Alan wants the best for the people of Darlington and is determined to make a difference. An old boy of Eastbourne School, the forerunner of St Aidan’s, Alan has a strong personal interest in the Academy and wishes to ensure that the young people of this deprived area of the town have the best possible opportunities. Alan is particularly interested in health and safety, staff recruitment, the risk register, employer engagement and pupil premium. He is currently working with the Student Council on a variety of projects.

Dean Lythgoe

Dean was appointed Headteacher of St Aidan's in July 2022. He is extremely experienced having previously held a variety of senior leadership roles including two Headships. He came to the Academy from Colne Primet, a school with a very similar social and economic demographic to St Aidan's. With an M. Ed. and an academic background in Economics and Social Sciences, Dean is well placed to lead the Academy during its next stage of development. In his spare time Dean can be found officiating at RFU matches.

Sean Limbrick

Sean came to St Aidan's through the Academy Ambassadors’ scheme bringing a wealth of experience from industry to the Board. An Automotive Engineering Graduate from Loughborough University, he has 40 years’ experience in Engineering, including 15 years at Director Level in the UK and Middle East. He is currently a Director of SEALboat Ltd and a Contract 6 Engine Designer at Cummins, Darlington; his expertise has supported the development of health and safety and risk management at the Academy. Sean is not afraid to question and challenge and very much sees the Academy as a business. As well as serving on the Health and Safety Committee, Sean is Chair of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee. Sean’s children are students at Newcastle University and Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College.

Jo Keane

Jo is the Teaching Staff Trustee being appointed to the role in December 2021.

Jo graduated with a BA HONs, PGCE and Master’s in Education from the University of Durham and joined the Academy in 2007 as a Drama/English NQT. She is now employed as SENDCO. Jo completed the NASENDCO Award in 2015 and has recently completed the CPT3A (Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements) course, registering with the British Psychological Society.

Sarah Clough

With a daughter at St Aidan’s, Sarah became a Parent Trustee in December 2022. Since 2017 Sarah has also been a Community Governor at the Rydal Academy and, as such, has widened her knowledge of safeguarding, finance and school budgets, transitions, attendance, pupil premium. She has liaised with several members of staff and governors at Rydal and has worked closely alongside the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Headteacher. Sarah is passionate about education and currently works as a Teaching Assistant, hoping to undertake teacher training in the near future. She has knowledge and experience of pupils with SEN and challenging behaviours and does much 1:1 support work. 

Educated to degree level, Sarah is currently studying A Level English Literature and A Level English Language to achieve her ambition of becoming an English teacher. She believes she is a friendly, approachable, organised, efficient individual who is proactive and able to meet tight deadlines.

Molly Robinson

Molly is the Support Staff Trustee. As well as being one of the Deputy Safeguarding Leads, she is a Year Lead with responsibility for liaising with pupils and their families/carers. Molly deals with all issues, queries and concerns raised and supports pupils in achieving their goals and resolving any issues regarding their education and school career. Her pastoral role involves monitoring behaviour, attendance and signposting pupils and those who care for them towards support, both within the school and externally.

Molly appreciates the importance of her role as Support Staff Trustee and is keen to work with the Board to help grow and further improve the Academy. Outside of her working day she enjoys spending time with her young family, going to the beach, visiting the cinema and eating out.

Hanna Lucas

Hanna was appointed to the Board in February 2023. She represents the Diocese and knows St Aidan’s well as she has children who attend the Academy.

 Marco Ramsey

With 21 years of experience in primary education, Marco has been the Headteacher at a local primary school since 2021. His passion lies in improving the life chances of deprived children, and he is now eager to broaden his expertise in secondary education. Marco is committed to supporting the local secondary school, aiming to contribute to the advancement of the community's educational landscape.